Button Specification

the GUI optins will work only under Win32


The program will contact the motherboard at [host:]port and register itself. There is no address associated with a button, just an interrupts.

In normal operation, when the button is pressed an interrupt is send to the motherboard. The button can be configured to send an interrupt also when the button is released.

The color of the button can be configured to be any 3 Byte RGB value (0xFF0000 is red, 0x00FF00 is green, and 0x0000FF is blue). Further, a label can be specified to be placed on the button.


The Button has the following configurable parameters:
host localhost the host where the bus is located
port 9002 the port where the bus is located
interrupt not set interrupt sent when the button is pressed (down)
upinterrupt not set interrupt sent when the button is released (up)
enable 1 enable interrupts 0=none, 1=down, 2=up, 3= both
pushbutton off make the button a two state button with two stable states up and down
color 0x0000FF RGB value of the button color
label NULL Label to be placed on the button.
x 0the x position of the window
y 0the y position of the window
minimized falsestart with a minimized window
debug falseto generate debug output
debugmask 0xFFF0 set mask to hide debug output
verbose falsemake debugging verbose, sets debug mask to zero
define not setto define a name for conditionals
config not setfilename for a configuration file
help falseto print information

These can be set in default.vmb